Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kiddles and bits

Time to update on my life, especially since that decidedly gloomy post has been sitting at the top for far too long.

I have been working as an EFY counselor for the third summer in a row, and I absolutely love it. The youth get better and better every year. They are so hungry for doctrine and so want to do good - they just need to know what that is. There have been several times when I have felt the sweet, calm assurance that I am where I need to be, when I need to be there, doing what I need to be doing and that the Lord is pleased with my offering. My testimony and my reliance on and confidence in my Savior has grown and grown.

Every week counselors are chosen to be on panels to answer questions the youth have submitted, and I have had several opportunities to be on them. Sometimes I do fine and use the scriptures and True to the Faith and competently answer the questions, but there have been a few occasions when I got a question and knew I was meant to answer this. When that happens, my mind becomes clear, my thoughts and words flow together, and I feel the Spirit confirming what I say. These moments are ones to be cherished and remembered as I am blessed as I bless others by teaching the doctrines of the kingdom in such a way as to benefit others.


My eye has remained sightless. It is also now green and slightly more dilated than my other. I am getting used to when my youth ask if I have different colors of eyes. Yes, I reply calmly, yes I do. I am taking drops 4 times a day to keep the pressure up so it doesn't shrink and shrivel up. Lovely, I know.

I am becoming resigned and used to the blackness, and I have resolved to just move on with my life and live as normally as possible and do all that I want to do. I find that my soccer skills are much the same as they've always been, but ultimate frisbee is still a little scary when I'm running around with my eye on the disk and unsure of who is around me. The good news is that I believe my brain is learning to adjust to the one eye, so I don't think my depth perception is as messed up as it used to be. I still hate parallel parking, though.


I am on break this week and enjoying being home. I forget how beautiful this place is. It's funny, I really don't live in Rexburg anymore, but deep down it still is my home. The trees, the ponds and rivers and marshlands, the animals, my dad's garden, the old trucks rumbling down the highway... I love it.

Last night as the sun was setting Caitlyn and I went for a bike ride through the countryside. It was delicious - there really is no other word for it. The bugs I got in my mouth, however, were not. Caitlyn also taught me how to ride without using my hands! This is a skill I have been coveting since I was 7 years old and would see Aislin flying up and down Maple Drive with her hands resting calmly in her lap. It was a revelation. I totally did the whole Meg Ryan, City of Angels thing - minus getting hit by a car and killed. I can't believe it has taken me this long to learn. I will show this off for the rest of my life. I am so cool.

I am, however, a little rusty on bike riding, and I was on my dad's bike.... Let's just say my tush isn't very happy today and may complain about a repeat performance tonight.